C++ Data Types, User Defined, Derived data types Explain with example

C++ Data Types, User Defined, Derived data types Explain with example

C++ Data Types 

 Data types: -
C++ data types can be classified as
1.     Standard data types
2.     Derived (extended data types)
3.     User defined data types
The following figure represents the detail of c++ data type classification

Standard data types:
Standard data types are used to tell the compiler what type of data to be handled by an identifier. These data types give complete details of the behavior of a data type. It is possible to handle only one value at a time.C and C++ compilers supports the built in data types.With the exception of void the basic data tyoes may have several modifiers(signed,unsigned,long,short) may apply to the character and integer basic data types.

Void: - The Void is used to represent the following things
             1)        To specify the return type of a function when it is not returning any value.
2)             To indicate an empty argument list to a function.
3)             Declaration of the generic pointer.

User defined data types:
User defined data types are created by a user by using simple, derived, user defined data types as per the user requirement. The user has to decide the functionality and behavior of these data types. By using these data types to handle more than one data type using single identifier For example structures and classes

Derived data types (extended data types):
Derived data types are used to extend the behavior of an existing simple data type to get more functionality. It is possible to handle more than one value at a time using a single identifier. For example arrays.

The following table gives the details regarding various data types.

            data type                      Size in bytes               Range 
1)         Char                                         1                      -128 to 127
2)         Unsigned Char                          1                      0 to 255
3)         Signed Char                              1                      -128 to 127
4)         int                                             2                      -32768 to 32767
5)         Unsigned int                              2                      0 to 65,535
6)         Signed int                                 2                      -32768 to 32767
7)         Short int                                    2                      -32768 to 32767
8)         long int                                     4                      -2147483648 to 2147483647
9)         float                                         4                      1.2e-38 to 3.4e38
10)        double                                      8                      2.2e-308 to 1.8e308
11)        long double                              10                     3.4e-4932 to 1.1e+4932
